Monday, September 10, 2012

first day.


Yesterday we started our class. Nothing really special actually, but there's difference between how the profs in L3 and master perform their teachings. They seems to write and talk faster than usual, making it harder for me to completely understand what they really want to convey. Especially in Theorical Chemistry (Chimie Théorique). There's a lot and a lot of theories and vocabularies that after 3 hours being tortured by those 'lovely' things, I felt like feeling sick. Believe me. I'm not exagerating ><

So I went back home, determined to revise all that I have learnt that day. But at 9 pm, without me realising, I fell asleep. And I guess that I'll just do those revisions this weekend. eheh. fin, comme d'habitude quoi :p

Wish me luck for today! :D

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hello there, I'm home now in Rennes :)

First semestre will commence next week. I am now a student in Master of Chemistry (yeayyy). With that awesome title comes heavy responsibility too. I know that I should change my attitude (do more revision, go to the library more often, stop watching korean drama during weekdays etc) but I know myself, all these changes that I will probably do these first weeks will certainly not last forever. oh well, maybe I should give it a shoot, maybe I'll really change into a real book worm kan, who knows? :p

My English is seriously deteriorating. I need to start to speak and write in english, read news in english and watch a lot of english movies. Everything in Englishhhh lahh. So if you come across any grammatical mistakes in this blog, do not hesitate to tell me ya. I really appreciate it if you do so ;)

Till then. Bonne rentrée et bonne continuation! ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

smile :)

please just keep on smiling won't you?
cause when you smile, the world smiles too :))

Saturday, May 5, 2012

the reason why.

this really reminds me of what I have to go through during my childhood. I don't really understand why other children make fun of me, sneering at me saying "ugly" until I figured it out when I was 12. And I had 3 operations after that, oh 4 actually, totally forgotten about the teeth surgery that I had when I was 13.

Nevertheless, I still have low self-esteem after going through those painful surgeries, which continously perturbs me until this very day.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Will I?

Une question que je me suis toujours posée..

will i ever get married?

et je trouve toujours pas la réponse. Il y a que LUI qui sait.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

past, present, future..

J'aimerais que ma vie entière soit filmée pour pouvoir revoir les meilleurs moments que j'ai vécu. Pour pouvoir ressentir la même chose que j'ai ressenti à ces moments précis. Je sais que c'est impossible, c'est pourquoi j'essaie de me souvenir le plus possible de chaque détails. Mais, je sens que j'en perds un peu plus chaque jour et ça me fait peur. J'ai peur d'oublier..

J'ai arrêté de regretter mon passé. Maintenant, j'ai réalisé que je dois l'accepter, car il est une partie de mon présent et la base de mon futur. C'est grâce à tout ce que j'ai vécu que j'ai appris que je ne pouvais pas tout contrôler, que les évènements allaient et venaient. J'ai réalisé que la vie n'est pas celle que je croyais, qu'elle n'est pas toujours facile. La vie est dure et on doit se battre pour ce que l'on désire, ce que l'on veut..

Monday, April 2, 2012

je ne sais pas~~

pour toi que j'aime et qui ne le sait toujours pas..

Je ne sais pas, comment te dire
J'aurais peur de tout foutre en l'air 
De tout détruire
Un tas d'idées à mettre au clair 
Depuis longtemps
Mais j'ai toujours laissé derrière 
Mes sentiments

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Let's love like we've never been hurt before,

Let's dance like no one is praising us,

Let's sing like no one is listening to us,

Let's work like we don't need money for it,

Let's live like today is the doomsday.

To tell you the truth, I want to be like that as well. Pretend that I've never been hurt before, as I want to seriously love one more time. But since the ending has become like this, I really wanted to change it to:

If you don't want to get hurt then don't fall in love.


aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de faire les crêpes.

c'est vrai qu'ici à Rennes, on puisse trouver beaucoup de crêperies. Pas besoin de se galérer de faire les crêpes à la maison, on les trouve partout quoi!

mais bon. je les fais quand-même parce que ça me rappelle des bons souvenirs qu'on a partagé ensemble à Tours quand on a découvert comment les faire pour la première fois.

le temps passe trop vite, n'est-ce pas? :'(

first post.


I know that it's kinda crazy to have 3 blogs but who cares? so here's my third blog, specially created so that I can write something in English and also in French. It actually feels so weird because I can understand quite well when I watch movies in both languages but when it comes to writing, it kinda catastrophique :(  hope this small effort helps! cheers!